

Our company was established in 1995 technical textile manufacturing, imports and exports has been established in order to. The first occupied with domestic canvas toptancılıgı later in the business market in Turkey imports have started to evaluate opportunities and is available for both high quality and reasonable prices to goods. Short time to see increases in value recorded in technical textile in abroad and leading companies have a distributorship reception. The terms of occupied with a  slide and temsilcilikten distributorluge stoklamaya goods imported by the internal market and for all goods to their customers to deliver goods in its possession. As it is a strong/truck is covered with PVC fabric sector, still next to brandanın product cesitlendirmeye for shipping sector, it has gone to the type of the metal upper structure systems in Turkey, has started to become the owner and imports, as well as roof systems has been started.

Our company today if any of the commercial vehicle sector upper roof systems for both PVC-coated fabric and mechanical component as a supplier industry liderlerindendir. Product range, it is still occupied with their own world leader in  fabric, away from direct sunlight, the tentelik network, outdoor  furnituretextile manufacturers, product cesitlendirmesine distributorship, gone to the 3T, it's a material that only in sectors, and is not sold by vendor products manufacturing companies who are providing technical support, these companies product enhancementsbetter quality of finished products, as well as producing material to export opportunities have been turned into them.

3T, each area of Turkey, which he established with network marketing needs of customers, and in placefrom the in providing the best service and make every effort to be seen and/or with the appropriate training and technical support from customers by offering long he craves greedily industry is currently working to develop. Our approach to business with different levels in relations with all of our customers, as required in cases where human relations technical support concepts and one mutual business development and mutual way to win and has adopted this approach for years, with each new year farklılasarak turnover and profitability growth in any economic conditions have continued to be successful.

In recent years, the high in finished goods inventory, and technical skills gained in an export-oriented and directed back to the company, in the occupied with a rising acceleration has earned. Still in the world, a Belgian company, shipping sector in developing world, sliding roof and side curtain in sleep with an organic horizons and expanded.

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